Thinking about purchasing a matchmaking package at Its Just Lunch? If so, check out their bad reviews online and then come to work with our professional Las Vegas matchmakers right here at the #1 dating service in Las Vegas, Nevada.
We are the alternative to Its Just Lunch and our company is the go-to dating service to find love for professional singles and retired singles in Las Vegas and other major cities in Nevada.
Joining our local & private dating service is going to expand your dating options and help you connect with amazing singles from Las Vegas that want to settle down in a committed relationship.
Outsourcing the time-consuming areas of dating to our experienced Las Vegas matchmakers will remove the guesswork from the dating search and it will increase your chances of meeting someone amazing to settle down with in a happy relationship.
Our local matchmaking service offers affordable memberships and has a database that is way bigger and more diverse than Its just Lunch in Las Vegas, Nevada.